Soul Snippets

6 Tips to Obtain Inner Balance

Reading time: approx. 2 minutes

1. Find time to be social

We all know it. There is always time not to take time for others. But we need connection with ourselves and other people in order to stay mentally healthy.  You can start by creating healthy habits or rituals. This can be something like: walks in nature, meeting a friend for coffee, meditating, watching that one Netflix series you've been meaning to start, or reading a good book that nourishes your soul.

2. Exercise 

Are you getting enough exercise? Getting your body moving can help release endorphins and trigger a positive feeling in the body. Find a nice workout or yoga practice to incorporate into your weekly schedule.

3. Allow others to assist you.

Is there something on your to-do list that someone else can help you with? If so, you may find that you don't always have to do it alone. Ask someone close to you or a work colleague to help you with your tasks.

4. Connect with yourself

(Re)-connecting with yourself is not always easy. To feel yourself and get in touch with your own self, you can try breathing techniques, a body-scan, or various forms of meditation and mindfulness.

5. Become creative

Creativity can come in all shapes and forms. You may want to design your own home, plant some beautiful flowers, etc. Allow yourself to try new things and lean into your creativity. This will help you to get to know yourself better.  creativity. 

6. Go Offline

Set a schedule for when you will answer your emails or calls. In a world where we are constantly accessible, we need to find new ways to set healthy boundaries for our well-being. 

If you would like to work on one or more of the above mentioned points, feel free to contact us at any time. Count on us as your support system. Together, we can find new perspectives or help you find the right help. 

Author: Nallely Courtney


  1. Maslach, Christina; Leiter, Michael P. (2008): The truth about burnout. How organizations cause personal stress and what to do about it. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass a Wiley Company.

  2. Leiter, Michael P.; Day, Arla; Price, Lisa (2015): Attachment styles at work: Measurement, collegial relationships, and burnout. In: Burnout Research 2 (1), S. 25–35. DOI: 10.1016/j.burn.2015.02.003.

  3. Maslach, C.; Schaufeli, W. B.; Leiter, M. P. (2001): Job burnout. In: Annual review of psychology 52, S. 397–422. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.52.1.397